Mikrotik - VPN using IKEv2 - connection does not work

Mikrotik - VPN using IKEv2 - connection does not work

Hi to all. Help desperate :-) I have set up Mikrotik well for VPN access using IKEv2 Directly through Windows. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me. Attempt to connect will be through a message that I can not find anywhere on the net so I do not know with it "Login credentials for the exchange of keys over the Internet are unacceptable". Yet, according to the log, the certificate I generated in MKT takes me ...

Thanks in advance for your help!



the problem will have to be looked for rather on windows and there are our knowledge limited. I recommend looking for a solution in English, it should be: "IKE authentication credentials are unacceptable".

PS: According to the Microtics Forum, the following should be set in WIndows:
- CA cert must be installed as a trusted root
- The cert client must be imported into the global repository
- encryption - required
- authorization - cert


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