Windows Outlook - cant delete email - Your digital ID name cannot be found by the underlying security system

Windows Outlook - cant delete email - Your digital ID name cannot be found by the underlying security system


a received email to me that cannot be deleted… do you know how to deal with it?

Email shows:

Your digital ID name cannot be found by the underlying security system

and cannot be deleted. I tried to go offline, outlook safe mode and nothing helped. I have a POP3 account. Can someone advise you? Thank you


Good day,

I read about it and it is not possible to delete it normally, it must go round it ... Really interesting Outlook bug ...

To repair:

1.) Create new pst file in Outlook accounts

2.) Find the problem email and move it to a new pst file

3.) In the pst accounts, remove the file

That solved it. Fuck outlook ...


Vaše reakce na Windows Outlook - nelze smazat email - systém nižší úrovně nemůže najít název vašeho digitálního ID

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