Windows - Unable to Install ClickOnce Application due to Security Settings

Windows - Unable to Install ClickOnce Application due to Security Settings

Good day,

out of nowhere I can't run applications in Windows, the error is:

Unable to Install ClickOnce Application due to Security Settings

I didn't make any adjustments in windows, it was probably caused by an update. Don't know what to do with it? Previously, the application worked without a problem.



Good day,

You must fix the Administrator blocked this application because it poses a security risk to your computer error in the registry:

1.) regedit
2.) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel
3.) Set the values as follows:

MyComputer Enabled
LocalIntranet Enabled
TrustedSites Enabled
Internet Enabled
UntrustedSites Disabled

4.) No restart should be required


Vaše reakce na Windows - Správce zablokoval tuto aplikaci, protože představuje bezpečnostní riziko pro počítač

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